Sederi Yearbook 33

Susana P. Magalhães Oliveira, “Emotions and early modern diplomacy: The case of Iberian ambassadors at the Elizabethan court.” SEDERI 33 (2023): 9–31. DOI:                                                         Download PDF Abstract Emotions underlie […]

Sederi Yearbook 33

Alejandro Sell Maestro, “William Godolphin and Francisco de la Torre’s Agudezas de Juan Oven (1674): Patronage, diplomacy, and confessionalism.” SEDERI 33 (2023): 33–56. DOI:                                                         Download PDF Abstract Aragonese […]

Sederi Yearbook 33

Inmaculada Ureña Asensio, “Recommended reading for good governors: Utopia de Thomas Moro (1637).” SEDERI 33 (2023): 81–104. DOI:                                                         Download PDF Abstract Gerónimo de Medinilla translated Thomas More’s Utopia […]

Sederi Yearbook 33

Marguerite Tassi, “Pursuing contentment and liberation in the Forest of Arden: Hindu and Buddhist resonances in As You Like It.” SEDERI 33 (2023): 57–80. DOI:                                                         Download PDF Abstract […]

Sederi 33

Sederi 33
Sederi 33 — 2023
Marta Cerezo Moreno
Isabel Guerrero Llorente
Miguel Ramalhete
David J. Amelang
Tamara Pérez-Fernández
ISSN 1135-7789

Download this volume in PDF 

ARTICLES Pag.        
Susana P. Magalhães Oliveira. Emotions and early modern diplomacy: The case of Iberian ambassadors at the Elizabethan court9-31
Alejandro Sell Maestro. William Godolphin and Francisco de la Torre’s Agudezas de Juan Oven (1674): Patronage, diplomacy, and confessionalism33-56
Marguerite Tassi. Pursuing contentment and liberation in the Forest of Arden: Hindu and Buddhist resonances in As You Like It57-80
Inmaculada Ureña Asensio. Recommended reading for good governors: Utopia de Thomas Moro (1637)81-104

REVIEWS Pag.        
Leticia Álvarez-Recio, ed. Iberian Chivalric Romance: Translations and Cultural Transmission in Early Modern England (by Ana Sáez-Hidalgo) 107-111
Casandra Gorman, The Atom in Seventeenth-Century Poetry (by María Vera-Reyes) 112-116
Francesca Clare Rayner, Shakespeare and the Challenge of the Contemporary: Performance, Politics and Aesthetics (by Veronika Schandl) 117-120
Ana Sáez-Hidalgo and Berta Cano-Echevarría, eds. Exile, Diplomacy and Texts: Exchanges between Iberia and the British Isles, 1500–1767 (by Carme Font-Paz) 121-125

Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar at the International Classical Theater Festival of Mérida, directed by José María Muscari (by Víctor Huertas-Martín) 126-130