Sederi 14

Sederi 14
Universidad de Jaén
ISSN 1135-7789

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Contents & Editors’ Forewords i

ARTICLES Pag.        
Castro Carracedo, Juan. Pium Vestrus Catullum Britannum: The Influence of Catullus’ Poetry on John Skelton. 3
Cora Alonso, Jesús. “This dream is all amiss interpreted”: Julius Caesar, Shakespeare’s Alchemical Tragedy. 17
Demetriou, Eroulla. Michael Du Val and Count Gondomar: an Approximation towards the Authorship of The Spanish-English Rose Or The English-Spanish Pomgranet (c. 1623). 53
George, J.-A. “A pestelaunce on the crabyd queane”: The Hybrid Nature of John Pikeryng’s Horestes. 65
Jowett, John. Timon and Mining. 77
López-Peláez Casellas, Jesús. The Neo-Stoic Revival in English Literature of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: An Approach. 93
Shorrocks, Graham. The Rev. William Hutton’s A Bran New Wark: The Westmorland Dialect in the Late Early-Modern Period. 117
Talvet, Jüri. Between Dreams and Reality: The Message and the Image of Renaissance Humanism. 137
Whitlock, Keith. The Robert Ashley Founding Bequest to the Middle Temple Library and John Donne’s Library. 153

NOTES Pag.        
Abrahams, Eileen. “I Nothing know”: Emilia’s Rhetoric of Self-Resistance in Othello. 179
Agrafojo Blanco, Héctor. The Rise of Modal Meanings in Early Modern English: the case of the Semi-Auxiliary Verb BE supposed to. 189
Domínguez Romero, Elena. Some Considerations on the Pastourelle in Shakespeare’s As You Like It. 199
González Campos, Miguel Ángel . The Portrayal of Treason in The Tempest: The Fourfold Role of a Machiavellian Duke. 207
Loureiro Porto, Lucía. A Corpus-Based Approach to eModE have need. 217
Mesa Villar, José María. Musings from Ophelia’s Watery Voyage: Images of Female Submission in Shakespeare’s and Millais’ Drowning Maiden. 227
Villegas López, Sonia. Aphra Behn’s Sentimental History: The Case Study of Agnes de Castro, or the Force of Generous Love (1688). 239

REVIEWS Pag.        
Bueno Alonso, Jorge Luis. Richard Dutton and Jean E. Howard, eds. 2003: A Companion to Shakespeare’s Works. 249
Figueroa Dórrego, Jorge. Joseph Arrowsmith. 2003: The Reformation. Edited by Juan A. Prieto-Pablos, María José Mora, Manuel J. Gómez-Lara and Rafael Portillo. 265
Machado, María Salomé. Reading Jorge Figueroa Dorrego’s Tecendo tramas, fiando ficcións: Narrativa inglesa de autoria feminina (1621-1688). 271
Prieto Pablos, Juan A. Ángel Luis Pujante and Ton Hoenselaars, eds. 2003: Four Hundred Years of Shakespeare in Europe. 273

Sederi 13

Sederi 13
Universidade de Vigo
ISSN 1135-7789 / ISBN 84-158-234-4

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“Editors’ Foreword” iii
Borge, Francisco J. “Richard Hakluyt, promoter of the New World : the navigational origins of the English nation” 1-9
Calbi, Maurizio. “‘Civil Monsters’: race, eroticism and the body in early modern literature and culture” 11-21
Campillo Arnáiz, Laura. “Spanish translations of culture-bound elements in The First Part of Henry IV : a historical perspective” 23-31
Cougil Álvarez, Rosa María & Ana I. González Cruz. “On the development of deverbal conjunctions. A case study on the grammaticalisation of provided (that) in early Modern English” 33-44
Domínguez Romero, Elena. “Thomas Morley’s First Book of Madrigals to Four Voices . A Pastoral Romance” 45-53
Drakakis, John. “Jews, bastards, and black rams (and women): representations of ‘otherness’ in Shakespearean texts” 55-75
Gómez, Carlos J. “Farcical innocuousness versus morality and satire in the comedies of Thomas Durfey” 77-86
González Díaz, Victorina. “Adjective comparison in Renaissance English” 87-100
Griffiths, Jane. “The matter of invention in Hawes’ Passetyme of Pleasure 101-110
Karremann, Isabel. “One and one is two, three is potency: the dynamics of the erotic triangle in Othello 111-121
Nevalainen, Terttu. “Sociolinguistic perspectives on Tudor English” 123-140
Núñez Pertejo, Paloma. “Adjectival participles or present participles? On the classification of some dubious examples from the Helsinki Corpus” 141-153
Pando Canteli, María J. “‘… and often Absences / Withdrew our Soules and made us Carcasses.’ The destructive power of the female figure in Donne’s Nocturnall and Quevedo’s love poetry” 155-162
Pearson, Jacqueline. “The least certain of boundaries: gendered bodies and gendered spaces in Early Modern drama” 163-181
Relvas, María Jesús. “The literary construction of a monstruous portrait – King Richard III by Thomas More and William Shakespeare” 183-189
Ribeiro, Nuno Manuel Dias Pinto. “The Second Coming: prophecy and utopian thought in John Milton (1608-74) and António Vieira (1608-97)” 191-198
Shea, Colleen. “‘The truest glass’: Ben Jonson’s verse epistles and the construction of the ideal patron” 199-208
Tiburi, Marcia. “Saturn’s body: melancholy and method in the Anatomy of Melancholy 209-218
Vélez Núñez, Rafael. “Melancholic sounds: singing madness in Restoration drama” 219-227
Villegas López, Sonia. “Narrative levels in The Inhumane Cardinal (1696) by Mary Pix” 229-236

Sederi 12

Sederi 12
Universidad de Valladolid
ISSN 1135-7789 / ISBN 84-8448-134-4

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Preliminaries 1-8
Clark, Sandra. “Deeds Against Nature: Women and Crime in Street Literature of Early Modern England ” 9-30
Hammond, Gerald. “Mary Sidney’s Psalms and the Uses of History” 31-50
Hidalgo , Pilar. “On Reading Harold Bloom’s Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human” 51-68
Vickers, Brian, “Jakob Burkhardt’s Idea of the Renaissance” 69-95
Alvarez-Recio, Leticia. “An Approach to the Emblematic Tradition in 17th Century Anti-Catholic Pamphlets” 97-105
Beagles, Martin. “Hidden Spanish Treasure in a Seventeenth-Century Text: The Strange Case of Dr García and Mr Howell” 107-121
Bromber, Robert, “The Liar and the Bard: David Ingram, William Shakespeare, and The Tempes t” 123-133
Cano Echevarría, Berta & Mª Eugenia Perojo Arronte. “Astrophil and Stella: An Unprofitable Relationship?” 135-141
Casanova, Jorge. “‘Before Words’: Seeing and Privacy in Renaissance Poetry” 143-150
Cora, Jesús. “Sleepe fy possess mee nott”: The Return of the Repressed in Lady Mary Wroth’s Pamphilia to Amphilanthus (1621), Sonnets 16 and 17” 151-179
Chu , Hsiang-chun. “‘The master mistress of my passion’: Cross-dressing and Gender Performance in Twelfth Night 181-191
Domínguez Romero, Elena. “‘Between the pale complexion of true love, and the red glow of scorn’: Traditions of Pastoral Love in As You Like It 193-200
Figueroa, Jorge. “Having ‘To Bear the Yoke’: Women and Jest-Books of the Early Seventeenth Century” 201-208
García-Bermejo Giner, Mª Fuencisla. “Regional dialects in Sixteenth-century Jest-Books” 209-228
González Campos, Miguel Angel. “An Effeminate Prince”: Gender Construction in Shakespeare’s First Tetralogy” 229-235
Gregor, Keith & Encarna Vidal Rodríguez. “The ‘Other’ William and the Question of Authority in Spanish Stage Depictions of Shakespeare” 237-246
Harrington, Gary . “‘When the Battle’s Lost and Won’: The Opening of Shakespeare’s 1 Henry IV 247-257
Hernández Santano, Sonia: “Marston’s The Metamorphosis of Pigmalion’s Image : The Ovidian myth revisited” 259-268
Hughes, Derek. “Human Sacrifice and Seventeenth-century Economics: Otway’s Venice Preserv’d 269-279
Kottman, Paul. “ Macbeth and the Ghosts of Sovereignty” 281-300
O’Neill, Maria. “John Hart’s Discourse on Spelling Reform : Disease and War in the Body Politic” 301-311
Rodríguez Gómez, Paula. “ Macbeth ‘s Portrait Of Câd Goddeu. Encounters With The Celtic World” 313-321
Serras, Adelaida. “Dystopian Female Images in More’s Utopia 323-330
Stone, John. “The Law of Contract in Ferdinando Parkhurst’s Ignoramus, the Academical-Lawyer 331-340
Zunino Garrido, Cinta: “Rhetoric and Truth in The Spanish Tragedy 341-348

Sederi 11

Sederi 11
Universidad de Huelva
ISSN 1135-7789

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Kiss, Attila. «The Body Semiotic in the Theatre» 13-23
Homem, Rui Carvalho. «Fleshly Voyages: Ben Jonson, Space and the Body» 25-41
Cano Echeverría, Berta y María Eugenia Perojo Arronte. «‘A Medicine of Cheries’: The Language of Profit in Sydney’s Defence of Poesie» 43-48
Casanova, Jorge. «Crashaw and the Emblem Revisited» 49-56
Domínguez Romero, Elena. «‘By Cruell Love Now Slaine’: Virgilian Structures and Themes in England’s Helicon» 59-65
Figueroa Dorrego, Jorge. «Wroth and Weamys: Two Different Approaches to Pastoral Romance, Love, and Gender» 67-73
Sáez Hidalgo, Ana. «The Spanish Connection of The Anatomy of Melancholy» 75-89
Zunino Garrido, Cinta. «Mycetes’ Rhetorical Failure in Christopher Marlowe’s Tamburlaine The Great» 91-97
Parker, Patricia. «What’s in a Name: And More» 101-149
Álvarez Faedo, María José. «Orson Welles’s Gothic Cinematic Approach to Shakespeare’sMacbeth» 151-159
Barneto Alanís, Alfonso. «‘Momentary grace’: the Platonic Undertones of Hastings’ Prophecy in Richard III» 161-168
Dawson, Janet. «Order and Disorder in Two Versions of Troilus and Cressida: The Case of Ulysses» 169-177
González Campos, Miguel Ángel. «“Had I/ not four or five women once that tended me?”: Paul Mazursky’s Version of Shakespeare’s Tempest» 179-184
Martínez, Zenón Luis. «True Looking-glasses: Narcissism and Motherhood in Shakespeare’s Sonnets» 185-194
Machado, María Salomé. «Defying Convention: the Verbalization of Eroticism in W. Shakespeare’s Othello and J. Donne’s Elegie XIX» 195-202
García-Bermejo Giner, María F. «The Language in Mary Rowlandson’s 1682 Captivity Narrative» 205-215
Gómez Lara, Manuel J. «Trotting to the Waters: Seventeenth Century Spas as Cultural Landscapes» 219-239
Arreciado Charlo, Victoria. «The Decline of the Monarch’s Prerogative: Banks and his Imitators» 241-245
Calero del Valle, María José. «The Ravished Heroine in Restoration Tragedy: Ibrahim the Thirteenth Emperor of the Turks and The Conquest of Spain» 247-253
Domínguez García, Beatriz. «The Search for Female Power in Catharine Trotter’s Agnes de Castro» 255-261
Meira Sierras, Adelaide. «Towards a Female Identity» 263-270
Pérez Vides, Auxiliadora. «Gender, Disguise and the Politics of Marriage in Ariadne’s She Ventures and He Wins» 271-276
Vélez Núñez, Rafael. «Transformations of courtly entertainments: Restoration odes» 277-283
Villegas López, Sonia. «Catharine Trotter’s Agnes de Castro, or the Revision of Female Virtue» 285-290
Álvarez Recio, Leticia. «An Approach to English Anti-Catholicism Through the Analysis of Some 17th Century Anti-Jesuitical Pamphlets» 293-300
Bromber, Robert. «Abandonados and Afortunados: The Prosecution of Corsarios by the Mexican Inquisition» 301-311
Carrillo Linares, María José. «The Days of the Moon: Science, Magic or Poetry?» 313-318
Curbet, Joan. «Dogma and the Limits of Heteroglossia in Sir Thomas More’s Dialogue Concerning Heresies (1528)» 319-329
Monnickendam, Andrew. «The Un-Merry Laws: Marriage, Widows and Adultery in Two 1656 Tracts» 331-341
Whitlock, Keith. «Folklore: opiate of the people or the social cement of middle England?» 343-355

Sederi 10

Sederi 10
María Fuencisla García-Bermejo Giner
Gudelia Rodríguez Sánchez
Javier Sánchez Díez
ISSN 1135-7789

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Contents and Editors’ Foreword 7-8
BLAKE, N.F. «The Study of Shakespeare’s Language: Its Implications for Editors, Critics and Translators» 11-30
DE LA CRUZ CABANILLAS, ISABEL. «Lexical Ambiguity and Wordplay in Shakespeare» 31-36
GUZMÁN GONZÁLEZ, TRINIDAD. «Gender, Grammar and Poetry: Early 17th-Century Miscellanies in the Light of Historical Sociolinguistics» 37-46
O’ NEILL, MARÍA. «Strategies of Rebuttal in the Spelling Reform Debate: An Analysis of Richard Mulcaster’s Denunciation of the Phonemic Reformers» 47-52
SÁNCHEZ ROURA, MARÍA TERESA. «Epistolary Formulae in Late Middle English Commercial Correspondence: the Cely Letters» 53-60
VERDAGUER, ISABEL. «English Verbs of Intellectual Activity in the Renaissance: A Cognitive Approach» 61-66
HOENSELAARS, TON. «The Seventeenth-Century Reception of English Renaissance Drama in Europe» 69-88
CASANOVA, JORGE. «Robert Burton’s Portrait ‘Philosophically, Medicinally and Historically’ Supported» 89-96
CUDER DOMÍNGUEZ, PILAR. «Merry Wives and Widows in Aphra Behn’s Later Comedies» 97-104
FIGUEROA DORREGO, JORGE. «Men’s Inconstancy in the Prose Fiction of Mary Wroth and María de Zayas» 105-110
MONNICKENDAM, ANDREW. «The Meerie Lawes of 1646: The Parliament of Women as Lampoon and Subversion» 111-120
STONE, JOHN. «John Cowell’s Interpreter: Legal Tradition and Lexicographical Innovation» 121-130
GARCÍA GARCÍA, LUCÍANO. «Towards a Definition of European Tragicomedy and Romantic Comedy of the Seventeenth Century: The Courtly Fashion in England and Spain» 131-140
PARDO GARCÍA, PEDRO JAVIER. «Parody, Satire and Quixotism in Beaumont’s The Knight of the Burning Pestle» 141-152
MEIRA SERRAS, ADELAIDE. «The Will to Reform. Milton’s and Verney’s Educational Projects» 153-158
VÉLEZ NÚÑEZ, RAFAEL. «Music Symbolism in Stuart Pageantry» 159-164
WHITLOCK, KEITH. «Shakespeare’s The Tempest: Some Thought Experiments» 167-184
ÁLVAREZ FAEDO, MARÍA JOSÉ. «Two Film Versions of Othello: A Twentieth-century Approach to Shakespeare’s Play» 185-193
CARVALHO HOMEM, RUI. «Of Power and Race and Sex – with due respect: on some Portuguese translations of Othello» 194-204
CEREZO MORENO, MARTA. «The Controlling Force of Rome in Coriolanus and Julius Caesar» 205-210
HIDALGO, JUAN CARLOS. «The Split ‘I’ in Celestino Coronado’s Hamlet» 211-216
FIUEIRÒA NAVARRO MACHADO, MARIA SALOMÉ. «The Sins of the Fathers: Marlowe’s Barabas and Shakespeare’s Shylock» 217-224
OLIVARES MERINO, EUGENIO. «The Fismonger’s Daughter Goes Crazy (I): the Domineering Father, the Mad Lover, and the Dead Mother» 225-238
SÁNCHEZ ESCRIBANO, F. JAVIER. «English Renaissance Studies in Spain: A Bibliography up to 1995» 241-304

Sederi 9

Sederi 9
Editor: Jesús Cora
Assistant Editors: Isabel de la Cruz
and Guzmán Mancho Barés
General Editor: S. G. Fernández-Corugedo
ISSN 1135-7789


Cruz Cabanillas, Isabel de la. English Etymological Respellings and Their Influence upon Pronunciation 1-8
García-Bermejo Giner, María Fuencisla. The Northern/Scottish Dialect in Nathaniel Woodes’ A Conflict of Conscience (1581) 9-22
González Álvarez, Dolores. Evaluative Subject Modifiers in Early Modern English 23-38

Borot, Luc. Early Journalism in Sixteenth- and Seventeeth-Century England: The Interface between Literature and «Popular Culture» 41-58
Ungerer, Gustav. Juan Pantoja de la Cruz and the Circulation of Gifts Between the English and Spanish Courts in 1604/5 59-78
Cuder Domínguez, Pilar. «In Stella’s face I read»: Stella as Palimpsest in Sidney’s Sonnet Sequence 79-84
Hernández Santano, Sonia. Corrupted Platonism in Astrophil and Stella: The Expression of Desire 85-90
Cora Alonso, Jesús. Donne’s Holy Sonnet I and Alciato’s Emblem CXXI 91-122
Pando Cantelli, María J. Sonnets, Rooms, Tears and Books: the Poetics of Physical Spaces in Donne’s Love Poetry 123-128
Prieto Pablos, Juan Antonio. John Donne’s Rhetoric of Suspension 129-134
Ribes Triver, Purificación. Religious Struggle in John Donne and Ausiàs March 135-148
Carvalho Homem, Rui. Difficult Ancestors: Modern Irish Poets and their Elizabethan Predecessors 149-158
Relvas, María Jesús. Baltasar Gracián and the Ethics of the Renaissance 159-162
Curbet, Joan. «Changeling love»: The Function of Cupid in Fulke Greville’s Caelica 163-170
Flotats, Rosa. Three and its Content: Thought, Hope, Poetry in Milton 171-178
Sáez Hidalgo, Ana. The Romantic Robert Burton or the Art of Forgery 1179-188
Stone, John. A Gardenist Reading of Andrew Marvell’s «Upon Appleton House» 189-202
López-Peláez Casellas, Jesús. The Enemy Within: Otherness in T. Dekker’s Lust’s Dominion 203-208
Vélez Núñez, Rafael. The Poetical Mind in Ben Jonson’s Masques 209-214

Campbell, Gordon. Obelisks and Pyramids in Shakespeare, Milton and Alcalá 217-232
Wilson, Hugh. Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew and Traces of Spanish Influence: Or, Exemplary Tales, and Picaresque Fictions 233-256
Machado, María Salomé. Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew and Johnson’s Epicoene: The Women in the Stocks 257-264
Ballesteros González, Antonio. The Ominous Fate of Monstrosity in King Lear 265-270
Bueno Alonso, Jorge Luis. History, Patriotism and Religion in William Shakespeare’s Henry V 271-284
González Campos, Miguel Ángel. Shakespeare in Outer Space: Forbidden Planet as Adaptation of The Tempest 285-292
González Fernández de Sevilla, José Manuel. Shakespeare’s Use of History in Escala’s Criticism 293-298
Muñoz Valdivieso, Sofía. Double Erasure in The Tempest: Miranda in Postmodern Critical Discourse 299-304
Tronch, Jesús. New Old Readings in the Texts of Hamlet 305-317

Sederi 8

Sederi 8
Edited by Juan Antonio Prieto Pablos
Manuel Gómez Lara & María José Mora Sena & S. G. Fernández-Corugedo
Sederi — Universidad de Sevilla
ISSN 1135-7789

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Preliminaries 1-4

García-Bermejo Giner, María Fuencisla. “Some Northern Dialect Features in Deloney’s Thomas of Reading 5-18
O’Neill, Maria. “The Sweet Smoke of Rhetoric»: Some Observations on Shakespeare’s Theory of Language” 19-24
Rodríguez Ledesma, Nieves. “ Othere places delitables in two sixteenth-century texts” 25-34
Varela Pérez, José Ramón. “The use of periphrastic do in Early Modern English negative declaratives: evidence from the Helsinki Corpus” 35-46

Martínez-Dueñas Espejo, José Luis. “Rhetorical tradition and the argument of separation: Milton ‘s The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce 49-58
Ballesteros, Antonio: “‘The Rest is Silence’: Absent Voices in John Donne’s Songs and Sonnets 59-64
Crespo Candeias Velez Relvas, María de Jesus. “Sir Robert Sidney’s Poems Revisited: the Alternative Sequence” 65-69
Jiménez Heffernan, Julián. “John Donne and the New Universe. Retaking the issue” 71-82
Jiménez Placer, Susana. “New England Puritans: “The Lord’s Free People” 83-90
López-Peláez Casellas, Jesús, “ocial Function of the Renaissance Concept of Honour: An Introduction” 91-97
Paiva Correia, María Hélena de. “A Sense of Continuity: lyric sequences, dramatic cycles and narrative pilgrimages in late medieval and early modern Literature” 99-102
Tazón Salces, Juan. “The Expression of Fear: William Cecils’ The Execution of Justice 103-109

Hutson, Lorna. “‘Who Speaks for Justice?’: Renaissance Legal Development and the Literary Voices of Women” 113-136
Calderón López, María Isabel: “‘If it be naught’: Margaret Cavendish and the Performance of Transcendence” 137-146
Cuder Domínguez, Pilar. “‘Pretty Contradictions’: the Virgin Prostitutes of Aphra Behn’s The Feigned Courtesans 147-153
Domínguez García, Beatriz. “Female Relationships in Mary Pix’s The Beau Defeated 155-161
Villegas López, Sonia. “Transgression and After: Fathers and Daughters in Susanna Centlivre’s The Busybody 163-169

Wells, R. H. “Shakespeare, Virgil and the Politics of Violence” 173-190
Solokova, Boika. “A clockwork brick in the Wall: Shakespeare and Communist Aesthetics” 191-201
Carvalho Homem, Rui. “At the damsels’ feet: Translation and decorum in a nineteenth-century Hamlet 203-209
Díaz Fernández, José Ramón. “Rosalind in Jeans: Christine Edzard’s Film Version of As You Like It 211-216
Luis Martínez, Zenón. “‘A Speechless Dialect’: Gender and Self-Recognition in Measure for Measure 217-225
Muñoz Valdivieso, Sofía. “‘Silence is the perfectest herald of joy’: The Claudio-Hero Plot in Kenneth Branagh’s Much Ado About Nothing 227-232
Portillo, Rafael and Mercedes Salvador. “Shakespeare in Spanish Translations: Recent Findings About the Nacente Collection” 233-238
Tronch Pérez, Jesús. “‘Conflation’ in the non-conflated Shakespearian editions” 239-249
Cora Alonso, Jesús. “The Circle Pattern in Ben Jonson’s Volpone 251-268
Figueirôa Navarro Machado, Maria Salomé. “The Three Faces of the Goddess in Ben Jonson’s Masque of Queens 269-274
González Campos, Miguel Ángel. “Crime, Revenge and Horror: Peter Greenaway’s The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover as a Jacobean Revenge Tragedy” 275-280
González Fernández de Sevilla, José Manuel. “The Court Drama of Ben Jonson and Calderón” 281-290
Hidalgo Ciudad, Juan Carlos. “Marlowe, Jarman, and Edward II : Use or Abuse?” 291-295
Vélez Núñez, Rafael. “Beyond the emblem: Alchemical Albedo in Ben Jonson’s The Masque of Blacknes 297-304

Sederi 7

Sederi 7
Edited by S. G. Fernández-Corugedo
Assistant Editors Emma Lezcano & Francisco Martín
Sederi — Universidade da Coruña
ISSN 1135-7789

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Fanego, Teresa. English in Transition 1500-1700: On Variation in Second Person Singular Pronoun Usage 5-16
Calvo López, Clara. The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke and the Pronouns of Address: Q1 (1603) versus Q2 (1604/5) 17-22
Martín Miguel, Francisco & González, Santiago . Addressing Formulae and Politeness in The Shepheards Calender 23-38
Gómez Soliño, José S. Continental English and the Standardization of the English Language in the Early Sixteenth Century: 1525-1540 39-46
Expósito, María Cruz. Internal Relations in Double-headed Noun Phrases 47-56
Lezcano, Emma. The choice of relativizers in Early Modern English: evidence from the Helsinki Corpus 57-66
Núñez Pertejo, Paloma. The House is Building: Active Progressive with Passive Meaning 67-72
Verdaguer, Isabel & Poch, Anna. The interaction of polysemy and complementation: A case study 73-79
Stone, John. Seventeenth-Century Jurisprudence and Eighteenth-Century Lexicography: Sources for Johnson’s Notion of Authority: 79-92
O’Neill, Maria. Forgotten Figure on the Bridge 93-98
Lopez, Ambrosio. The Reinassance Environement of the first Spanish Grammar Published in Sixteenth Century England 99-106
Crespo, Begoña. English and French as L1 and L2 in Renaissance England : A Consequence of Medieval Nationalism 107-114
Doval, Susana. The English spelling reform in the light of the works of Richard Mulcaster and John Hart 115-126

Shaw, Patricia. Mad Moll and Merry Meg: the Roaring Girls as Popular Heroine in Elizabethan and Jacobean Writings 129-140
De Paiva Correia, Maria Hélena. Lyric and lyric sequences 141-146
Ribes, Purificación. John Donne: Holy Sonnet XIV or the Plenitude of Metaphor 147-152
Lojo, Laura. John Donne. The New Turn of Classical Tradition 153-158
Sánchez Mosquera, Ana María. Blurred Contours: An Attempt to Deconstruct the Female Character in Books I and III of Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene 159-164
Flotats, Rosa. Knowledge and Science in Paradise Lost 169-172
Tazón, Juan. Death in Northern Africa: the Battle of Alcazar & its Theatrical Representation 173-178
Carvalho, Rui. ‘A more Familiar Straine’: Puppetry and Burlesque, or, Translation as Debasement in Ben Jonson’s Bartholomew Fair 179-186

Cooper, Helen. Hamlet and the Invention of Tragedy 189-200
Tronch, Jesús. Dramaturgy of the Acting Version of the First Quarto of Hamlet 201-216
Gómez Lara, Manuel. Emblems of  Darkness: Othello 1604 & the Masque of Blackness 1605 217-226
Prieto Pablos, Juan Antonio. Shakespearean Strategies of (Dis)Orientation in Othello , act I 225-230
Manzanas, Ana María. Conversion narratives: Othello and other black characters in Shakespeare’s and Lope de Vega’s plays 231-236
Gregor, Keith. The Elusive Ensign: Towards a ‘Grammar’ of Iago’s Motives 237-242
Ballesteros, Antonio: ‘Deformed, unfinished, sent before my time’: Monstrosity in Richard III and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein 243-248
Alvarez Faedo, María José. The Epic Tone in Shakespeare’s Henry V 249-252
Cora, Jesús: Shylock’s five-facetted character 253-260
Arias Doblas, María del Rosario. Gender Ambiguity and Desire in Twelfth Night 261-264
González Campos, Miguel Angel: An Isle full of Noises, Sounds and Sweet Airs: Shakespeare’s The Tempest and Krzysztof Kieslowski’s Red 265-268
Muñoz Valdivieso, Sofía. ‘He hourly humanizes’: Transformations and Appropiations of Shakespeare’s Caliban 269-272
Soubriet, Beatriz. Ovid & Shakespeare’s Venus and Adonis: A Study of sexual-role reversal 273-276
Bueno Alonso, Jorge Luis. The Fair and the Unfair: Renaissance Images and their change in Shakespeare’s Sonnets 277-286
Martínez, Miguel. Teaching Shakespeare’s Sonnets: Time as Fracture in Sonnets 18, 60, 73 287-296
Sánchez Escribano, F. Javier: Who’s who in Sederi (1996) 297-318

Sederi 6

Sederi 6
Edited by Ana María Manzanas Calvo & S. G. Fernández-Corugedo
Sederi — Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha
ISSN 1135-7789

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Ballesteros González, Antonio. “Lost in Paradisiacal Beauty: Milton ‘s Re-writing of the Narcisus Myth” 7-12
Calvo, Clara. “Shakespeare’s and the Press: the Ideological Appropriation of Romeo and Juliet 13-19
Cora Alonso, Jesús, “Two Examples of Poetic Parallelism between John Donne and Lope de Vega” 21-28
Chamosa González, Jose Luis. “Some Comments on Sir Philip Sidney’s Certain Sonnets : Heterogeneity and Unity” 29-36
Félix García, María del Mar, “ The Spanish Tragedy and Los Comendadores de Córdoba . Two Different Appoaches to the Senecan Revenge Theme” 37-42
Castillo, Francisco Javier: The English Renaissance and the Canary Islands: Thomas Nichols and Edmund Scory 43-51
González Fernández de Sevilla, José Manuel. “ A Midsummer Night’s Dream in Almagro” 53-58
González y Fernández-Corugedo, Santiago. “Editing Renaissance Classics in Spain in the 90’s” 59-74
Gray, Douglas. “Ends and Beginnings in the Earlier Sixteenth-Century Drama” 75-91
López-Peláez Casellas, Jesús. “Woman as Text in Othello and in Calderon’s Dramas de Honor” 93-98
Manzanas Calvo, Ana María. “Ideological Tensions in Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko 99-105
López Martínez, Miguel. “Overreaching Flesh and Soul : The Theme of Damnation in Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus and Tirso de Molina’s Don Juan 107-115
Martínez Lorente, Joaquín. “Possible-World Theories and the Two Fictional Worlds of More’s Utopia : How Much (and How) Can We Apply?” 117-123
Olivera Villacampa, Macario. “Hypocrites in Puritan Doctrine” 125-130
Prieto Pablos, Juan Antonio. “For the Love of Gaveston: Edward II and Audience Response in Elizabeth England” 131-146
Rodríguez Ledesma, María Nieves. “Distribution of Lexical Doublets in The Compaynt of Scotland” 147-151
Sáez González, Rosa. “Tragic Heroes: Avengers or Victims” 153-161
Sánchez Escribano, Javier. “Shakespeare’s Richard II : A Historical Reading” 163-173
Sánchez Roura, María Teresa. “Addressing the Audience of the Towneley Plays” 175-188
Shepherd, Robert K. “How Scottish Weather Affected the English Literary Climate” 189-195
Soubriet Velasco, Beatriz. “Chaos and Harmony in Middleton’s A Game at Chess 197-201
Tejera, Dionisia. “Spanish-English Relationship in the Work of Thomas Gage; al. Tomás de Santa María” 203-208
Thompson, Ann. “Feminist Criticism: The First/Last Twenty Years” 209-214
Whitlock, Keith. “The Spanish Gypsy Under the Spanish Eyes” 215-227
Wilcox, Helen: “‘The soul in Paraphrase’: The Devotional Poetry of George Herbert and his Contemporaries” 229-240